Church Development
Natural Church Development
Is based on an international research project
Applies "systems"
thinking to the church
Stimulates the leadership of a
congregation to identify and discover solutions to their problems,
utilizing their own unique personnel, gifts, abilities, resources,
goals, values and desires.
Utilizes a scientific survey/assessment
to measure how well a congregation is doing in eight essential
qualities of church life for details
Is a long-term strategic process
to improve the health of a congregation
International Research Project
Grows churches naturally
Views the
church as a living system
Looks for
numerical growth and health
principles of Scripture and Nature to the congregation
healthy growth, but leaves the results up to God
Does not view the church like a machine.
Natural Church Development doesn't believe:
The congregational system
can be broken down into and worked on as individual, isolated and
independent parts
Fixing one problem area will
automatically solve all the problems a congregation is experiencing
A solution that work in one
congregation can easily be replicated and made to work in another
Inter-relationships and
feelings are unimportant
It is not a
Cure-all guaranteeing growth
Substitute for spiritual
Replacement for a unique vision
Means to unify a divided congregation
Short-term solution
Sociological solutions
divorced from scripture or theology
Top-down set of instructions
imposed upon the church membership by the leadership or a consultant